Daily Program

What children learn from the daily program.

The daily program supports our goals for the children. We want your child to feel secure and independent, to move from one activity to another as easily and confidently as possible.

We also want to provide a variety of learning experiences for a well-rounded education. So we plan a daily program that takes all of these goals into account.

We follow the same routine day after day so children know what will be happening next. The day is a mix of free play, where the children can choose from the activities provided, and formal times where the children sit together and do all the same activities under staff instruction e.g. music, language groups and transition times.

Gloucester Pre School Daily Program

8:30am - 9am
Quiet Indoor Activities
10:30am - 10:45am
Pack Away
10:45am - 10:55am
Wash hands & toilet
10:55am - 11:10am
Morning tea
11:10am - 12:30pm
Indoor activities (painting, play dough, collage, role play, construction, creative activities, drawing, reading, puzzles, computers, maths and science)
12:30pm - 12:45pm
Pack Away
12:45pm - 1:00pm
Music and movement (singing, listening, dancing, poetry, instruments, rhythm, moving to music, fingers play, drama)
1:00pm - 1:10pm
Transition activities, wash hands, toilet
1:10pm - 1:40pm
1:30pm - 2:10pm
Fine motor activities (drawing, construction, cutting, building, Lego, duplo, threading, weaving etc.)
2:10pm - 2:20pm
Pack away
2:20pm - 2:35pm
2:35pm - 2:55pm
Language (stories, finger plays, drama etc.)
3:00pm - 4:00pm
Outside – includes afternoon tea
4:00pm - 4:30pm
Quiet Activities inside

In winter the inside and outside morning activities are rotated so we are inside first.

Our programme is designed to provide a stimulating environment to encourage creativity, exploration and investigation in all areas. This will promote the development of the child. It is also flexible to meet the changing needs of children who use the service.

Arrival and Departure:

Pre-School hours are 8:15 am – 3:45 pm
All children must be signed in and out each day using the tablets on the verandah.

Please ensure that a member of staff is aware that your child has arrived in the morning and when he/she is leaving.

Any changes in the arrangements to collect your child should be made aware to the Director either in writing or by telephone. These changes should be written on the sign-in sheet (at the bottom under special instructions).

No child will not be released if we have not been given prior warning. No child may leave the premises with a person other than a parent/guardian or someone appointed on the enrolment form unless the staff has been previously notified. If the person picking up your child is not personally known to the staff on duty that day they will be asked to provide proof of their identity e.g. a driver’s license.

Gloucester Pre School & Early Years Learning Centre
52 Hume Street Gloucester NSW 2422