What to Bring Each Day
Please clearly mark all your child's belongings with their name.
Drinks: Your child will need a drink bottle with water in it each day they attend.
Sun Hat: All children need a sun hat when playing outside. Please also apply sunscreen before coming to preschool or use the sunscreen available on the sign in table.
Shoes: Please may sure your child is dressed in shoes that are comfortable and suitable for climbing on equipment outside. Thongs, heeled shoes, scuffs, open shoes, and shoes with flat slipper soles with no grip are not suitable for safety reasons.
A Change of Clothes: Children need a change of clothes in case of accidents, spills or weather changes. Please have them clearly marked with your child name and be something your child will want to wear.
Dress: Children should be dressed in play clothes. If children have to worry about getting dirty or wet it may inhibit or spoil their enjoyment of the activity they are involved in. This is important as they are encouraged to participate in messy activities which are an important part of their education and development. Elasticised waisted shorts or pants allow each child to be independent at toilet times. Clearly label all your child’s clothing. We cannot keep track of it all and occasionally children have the same items of clothing e.g. shoes and it's very hard to tell who owns what. It also helps us to return lost property to you quickly, labelling will save us a lot of frustration in the end.
Toys: We discourage toys from being brought to Pre School. They can easily be lost or broken and are better left at home. A favourite teddy or soft toy for comfort is ok. If you feel that your child would be more comfortable with the toy then the Pre School takes no responsibility for lost or broken toys.
Lost Property: There is a lost property box on the veranda. Please check it regularly to make sure that your child has not left anything behind. At the end of each term it is emptied and clothes either go into our spare clothes collection or the local Op Shop.

Long Day Bookings: Children will be supplied with morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea cooked daily on the premises in our commercial kitchen.
Pre School Bookings: Children will be supplied with morning tea and lunch provided for a fee of $5 per session.